M365.Social – Power Platform & M365 Community Contributors

Welcome to the Microsoft Community….the most collaborative, passionate, and sociable community in software development.

In this listing of amazing community contributors, you will find a link to each contributor’s Twitter account and blog website. I highly encourage you to follow each one of them on Twitter and add their blog to your shortlist of must-read content.

I’ve tried to include all active and publishing fantastic content, who positively influence the community, and who often generously spend their time sharing their passion with the community and helping others.

If you feel that I forgot someone who fits these criteria, please don’t hesitate to let me know if someone is missing. Feel free to submit a contributor using the Warner Digital Community Contributors form, and I will get them added as soon as possible.

Would you like to get more involved in the community? Learn about the incredible programs & initiatives


You can help socialize and evangelize our amazing community contributors by including a M365.Social badge linked to this listing on your own website. You can see the badges available here:


Coming Soon:
Community Profile of the Week – Archives, where you can see all of the previous profiles of thew week from our awesome community contributors.

Vivian Voss

Twitter: @VivianTiiman

Website: https://vivian.tiiman.com/

“It’s all about the people and sharing. You always find someone to discuss/argue with and you always learn something new”

My Favorite Things

Food: Can never go wrong with Asian 🍙🍣🍥 or Italian 🍝

Ice Cream Flavor: Mango 🥭

Pizza Topping: Pepperoni, plenty of cheese 🍕 + 🧀 = 😁

Drink: Gin&Tonic or when in UK Pimm’s 🥃

Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate?: Tea 🍵🫖

Superhero: Black Widow 🕷️🕸️

Disney Character: Olaf ⛄☃️

Car: Ford Mustang Shelby GT500 1967

Animal: Horse 🐎🏇🏻🐴🎠

Tabs or Spaces?: Spaces

Gif or Jif (Pronunciation for a .gif file): Jif

Coming Soon: Community Contributor filtering based on skillsets of Power Platform and M365. For example, if you are looking for contributors that specialize in #SPFx or #PowerApps, you will be able to filter the list for those skillsets each contributor is associated with.

Albert-Jan Schot

Twitter: @appieschot

Blog: https://www.cloudappie.nl/


Alex Terentiev

Twitter: @alexaterentiev

Blog: http://blog.aterentiev.com/


Alison Collins

Blog: https://graphgod.dev/



Andrew Connell

Twitter: @andrewconnell

Blog: https://www.andrewconnell.com/


Andrew Koltyakov

Twitter: @AndrewKoltyakov

Blog: https://github.com/koltyakov


Angelo Gulisano

Twitter: @angelog1908

Blog: https://angelogulisano.com/


Anoop Tatti

Twitter: @anooptells

Blog: https://medium.com/@anoopt/


Antti K. Koskela

Twitter: @koskila

Blog: https://www.koskila.net/


April Dunnam

Twitter: @aprildunnam

Blog: https://www.sharepointsiren.com/


Beau Cameron

Twitter: @Beau__Cameron

Blog: https://beaucameron.net/


Bert Jansen

Twitter: @O365Bert

Blog: https://twitter.com/o365bert


Bill Ayers

Twitter: @SPDoctor

Blog: https://www.spdoctor.com/


Bob German

Twitter: @Bob1German

Blog: https://bob1german.com/


Cameron Dwyer

Twitter: @CameronDwyer

Blog: https://camerondwyer.com/


Cathrine Wilhelmsen

Twitter: @cathrinew

Blog: https://cathrinew.net/


Chakkaradeep Chandran

Twitter: @chakkaradeep

Blog: https://www.chakkaradeep.com/


Chris Bortlik

Twitter: @Cbortlik

Blog: https://medium.com/@cbortlik


Chris Kent

Twitter: @theChrisKent

Blog: https://thechriskent.com/


Chris O’Brien

Twitter: @ChrisO_Brien

Blog: https://www.sharepointnutsandbolts.com/


Christina Wheeler

Twitter: @cwheeler76

Blog: https://www.christinawheeler365.com/


Daniel Glenn

Twitter: @DanielGlenn

Blog: https://danielglenn.com/


D’arce Hess

Twitter: @DarceHess

Blog: http://darcehessllc.com/


David Opdendries

Twitter: @SharePointDavid

Blog: http://www.spdavid.com/


David Ramalho

Twitter: @DavRamalho

Blog: https://sharepoint-tricks.com/


David Warner II

Twitter: @DavidWarnerII

Blog: http://Warner.Digital


Derek Cash-Peterson

Twitter: @spdcp

Blog: https://spdcp.com/


Drew Madelung

Twitter: @dmadelung

Blog: https://drewmadelung.com/


Elio Struyf

Twitter: @eliostruyf

Blog: https://www.eliostruyf.com/


Emily Mancini

Twitter: @EEMancini

Blog: https://emilymancini.com/


Eric Overfield

Twitter: @EricOverfield

Blog: http://ericoverfield.com/


Erwin van Hunen

Twitter: @erwinvanhunen

Blog: https://www.erwinmcm.com/


Federico Porceddu

Twitter: @FedericoSPDev

Blog: https://www.federicoporceddu.com/


Franck Cornu

Twitter: @FranckCornu

Blog: http://thecollaborationcorner.com/


Garry Trinder

Twitter: @garrytrinder

Blog: https://garrytrinder.github.io/


Giuliano De Luca

Twitter: @DeLucaGiulian

Blog: https://delucagiuliano.com/


Heather Newman

Twitter: @heddanewman

Blog: https://www.creativemaven.com/


Hugo Bernier

Twitter: @bernierh

Blog: https://tahoeninjas.blog/


Jarbas Horst

Twitter: @devjhorst

Blog: http://www.devjhorst.com/


Joanne Klein

Twitter: @JoanneCKlein

Blog: https://joannecklein.com/


João Ferreira

Twitter: @Joao12Ferreira

Blog: https://sharepoint.handsontek.net/


Joel Rodrigues

Twitter: @JoelFMRodrigues

Blog: https://joelfmrodrigues.wordpress.com/


Joseph Velliah

Twitter: @josephvelliah

Blog: https://sprider.blog/


Julie Turner

Twitter: @jfj1997

Blog: https://julieturner.net/


Karoliina Kettukari

Twitter: @kettukari

Blog: https://www.kettukari.fi/


Katie Swanson

Twitter: @kswansondesign

SharePoint Design Team


Laura Kokkarinen

Twitter: @LauraKokkarinen

Blog: https://laurakokkarinen.com/


Liz Sundet

Twitter: @percusn


Luise Freese

Twitter: @LuiseFreese

Blog: https://raeuberleiterin.de/


Luis Mañez

Twitter: @luismanez

Blog: https://medium.com/inherits-cloud


Marc D Anderson

Twitter: @sympmarc

Blog: https://sympmarc.com/


Mark Ka$hman

Twitter: @mkashman

Blog: https://aka.ms/SharePoint/blog


Mark Rackley

Twitter: @mrackley

Blog: http://www.markrackley.net/


Matt Wade

Twitter: @thatmattwade

Blog: https://medium.com/@thatmattwade


Melissa Hubbard

Twitter: @melihubb

Blog: https://melihubb.com/


Michelle Gilbert

Twitter: @MichellesUtopia

Blog: Twitter


Mikael Svenson

Twitter: @mikaelsvenson

Blog: https://www.techmikael.com


Nate Chamberlain

Twitter: @chambernate

Blog: https://natechamberlain.com/


Paolo Pialorsi

Twitter: @PaoloPia

Blog: http://piasys.com/Blog/


Rabia Williams

Twitter: @williamsrabia

Blog: https://rabiawilliams.com/


Robert Schouten

Twitter: @rfjschouten

Blog: https://robertschouten.com/


Sam Collins

Twitter: @SamC148

YouTube Channel



Sarah Haase

Twitter: @sarahhaase

Blog: https://blog.splibrarian.com/


Sébastien Levert

Twitter: @sebastienlevert

Blog: https://www.sebastienlevert.com/


Sergei Sergeev

Twitter: @sergeev_srg

Blog: https://spblog.net/


Sharon Weaver

Twitter: @sharoneweaver

Blog: http://sharoneweaver.com


Shona Bang

Twitter: @shonadelie

Blog: https://shonadelie.com/


Simon Ågren

Twitter: @agrenpoint

Blog: https://simonagren.github.io/


Stefan Bauer

Twitter: @StfBauer

Blog: https://n8d.at/


Stephan Bisser

Twitter: @stephanbisser

Blog: https://bisser.io/


Thomas Daly

Twitter: @_tomdaly_

Blog: http://thomasdaly.net/


Thomy Gölles

Twitter: @thomyg

Blog: https://thomy.tech/


Todd Klindt

Twitter: @ToddKlindt

Blog: https://www.toddklindt.com/


Tomasz Poszytek

Twitter: @TomaszPoszytek

Blog: https://poszytek.eu/


Vardhaman Deshpande

Twitter: @vrdmn

Blog: https://www.vrdmn.com/


Velin Georgiev

Twitter: @VelinGeorgiev

Blog: https://blog.velingeorgiev.com/


Veronique Lengelle

Twitter: @veronicageek

Blog: https://veronicageek.com


Vesa Juvonen

Twitter: @vesajuvonen

Blog: https://aka.ms/sppnp


Vesa Nopanen

Twitter: @vesanopanen

Blog: https://myteamsday.com/


Vincent Biret

Twitter: @baywet

Blog: https://about.me/vincentbiret


Vlad Catrinescu

Twitter: @vladcatrinescu

Blog: https://absolute-sharepoint.com/


Waldek Mastykarz

Twitter: @waldekm

Blog: https://blog.mastykarz.nl/


Wictor Wilén

Twitter: @wictor

Blog: https://www.wictorwilen.se/


Yannick Plenevaux

Twitter: @yp_code

Blog: https://ypcode.wordpress.com/


Yannick Reekmans

Twitter: @YannickReekmans

Blog: https://blog.yannickreekmans.be/